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york minster revealed

James Drury

I've got so used to seeing York Minster's great east window being obscured by scaffolding over the years I now find myself doing a double-take each time I walk by; the scaffold is down and it looks amazing, also lifting & brightening the surrounding College Street and green.

In 2013 & 2014, I worked on several rewarding & interesting community & event projects as part of the Minster's Learning & Outreach programme. It's a genuine thrill to see many of my shots used in this short film -

In 2014 I was asked to be part of the 'Saints & Heroes' project. The original 'Kings Book of York Heroes' (on display in York Minster) features the names and photographs of York soldiers who died during World War 1. The sheer extent of the book and the photos of so many local young people who didn't return home is a sobering read. Inspired by this moving publication, Helen Moore of York Minster's Outreach Team conceived a modern take on the theme of what it means to be a hero. The project was run In partnership with York Council and the street artists CBLOXX and Jaypee. Participating members of several York Youth Clubs and the York Young Offending Team were all asked to consider themes of identity and what the word 'Hero' meant to them. Their stencils and designs were on display at the recent 'Saints & Heroes' event in York Minster and have been beautifully printed and bound by Jaypee in the 'York Book of Young Heroes.' Individually designed pages, each one screen printed and bound in laser etched Cherry wood; is a work of art in itself.

Here are some favourite images from the final street art event at the Minster and the final book -

By kind permission of the Chapter of York


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